3,560 research outputs found

    Effects of osmotic and matric potential on radial growth and accumulation of endogenous reserves in three isolates of Pochonia chlamydosporia

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    For the first time, the effects of varying osmotic and matric potential on fungal radial growth and accumulation of polyols were studied in three isolates of Pochonia chlamydosporia. Fungal radial growth was measured on potato dextrose agar modified osmotically using potassium chloride or glycerol. PEG 8000 was used to modify matric potential. When plotted, the radii of the colonies were found to grow linearly with time, and regression was applied to estimate the radial growth rate (mm day-1). Samples of fresh mycelia from 25-day-old cultures were collected and the quantity (mg g-1 fresh biomass) of four polyols (glycerol, erythritol, arabitol and mannitol) and one sugar (glucose) was determined using HPLC. Results revealed that fungal radial growth rates decreased with increased osmotic or matric stress. Statistically significant differences in radial growth were found between isolates in response to matric stress (P<0.006) but not in response to osmotic stress (P=0.759). Similarly, differences in the total amounts of polyols accumulated by the fungus were found between isolates in response to matric stress (P<0.001), but not in response to osmotic stress (P=0.952). Under water stress, the fungus accumulated a combination of different polyols important in osmoregulation, which depended on the solute used to generate the stress. Arabitol and glycerol were the main polyols accumulated in osmotically modified media, whereas erythritol was the main polyol that was accumulated in media amended with PEG. The results found that Pochonia chlamydosporia may use different osmoregulation mechanisms to overcome osmotic and matric stresses

    A União do Magrebe Árabe no Contexto Euro-mediterrânico

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    Desde 1989 que o Magrebe se encontra envolvido num processo de integração regional. No entanto, obstáculos vários têm superado os princípios constantes do Tratado constitutivo da União do Magrebe Árabe. Neste contexto, a UE tem procurado, sobretudo por opção estratégica do sul, influenciar o Magrebe na tentativa de se estabelecerem formas de cooperação duráveis. Esta abordagem, reforçada pela Conferência Euro-Mediterrânica de Barcelona, não trouxe ainda resultados concretos, dependente que está da resolução de focos de instabilidade como a emigração clandestina ou o integrismo islâmico. Portugal tem interesses naturais e históricos na região mediterrânica, podendo assumir uma política autónoma na região, assente numa base realista e descomplexada

    Inteligência emocional ─ Ferramenta essencial para uma vida positiva

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    Este artículo presenta el papel de la inteligencia emocional y el impacto positivo que puede tener en la vida de un ser humano. A principios de la década de 1990, Salovey y Mayer (1990) publicaron un artículo que resultaría de una serie de estudios sobre la inteligencia y el papel de las emociones en el desarrollo del hombre. Sugirieron así, que había una habilidad cognitiva que hasta ahora no había sido clasificada. Esta competencia se denomina inteligencia emocional, a partir de ese momento suscita un profundo interés en muchos investigadores de todo el mundo. Goleman (1996) llama la atención al mundo para un tema ya profundizado por varios autores, haciendo hincapié en la distinta concepción de la inteligencia tradicional. Da a conocer el éxito que el papel de la inteligencia emocional y las emociones podrían tener en el desarrollo profesional, psicológico y social de cada individuo. La inteligencia emocional permite al hombre tomar conciencia de sus emociones, comprender sus sentimientos, tanto como los de los demás. Es una habilidad que poseemos para poder relacionarnos con los demás y comunicarnos de forma asertiva, que va a permitir proyectar una actitud optimista ante la vida. Relacionado con un fuerte aliado inteligencia emocional y las emociones, pueden proporcionar niveles de bienestar psicológico y físico no descubiertos hasta entonces. Participando y aplicando una psicología positiva en su vida, el hombre puede cubrir campos de estabilidad nunca antes alcanzado. La inteligencia emocional es un arte que requiere un aprendizaje simple y consciente de un valor incalculable.This paper presents the role of Emotional Intelligence and the positive impact it can have on human life. In the early 1990s, Salovey and Mayer (1990) published an article that would result from several studies on the intelligence and the role of emotions in human development. Have suggested that there was a cognitive ability that until now had not been classified. Those powers it is known as Emotional Intelligence, from that moment raises a deep interest in many researchers around the world. Goleman (1996) draws attention to the world for a theme already in detail by other authors, the distinct conception of traditional intelligence. Making known the development that the role of emotional intelligence and their emotions could have on professional success, psychological and social development of each individual. The Emotional Intelligence enables man to become aware of their emotions, understand the feelings, as much as their others. It’s a skill that we possess in order to relate to others and communicate in an assertive manner, which will allow project an optimistic attitude towards life. Linked to a strong ally emotional intelligence and emotions, can provide levels of psychological well-being and physical not covered before. Joining and applying a positive psychology in your life, man can cover fields of stability never before achieved. Emotional intelligence is an art that requires a simple learning and conscious invaluable.O presente trabalho visa apresentar o papel da Inteligência Emocional e as repercussões positivas que pode ter na vida do ser Humano. No início da década de 1990, Salovey e Mayer (1990) publicaram um artigo que resultaria de vários estudos sobre a inteligência e o papel das emoções no desenvolvimento do Homem. Sugeriram assim, que existia uma competência cognitiva que até ao momento não tinha sido classificada. Tal competência recebe a designação de Inteligência Emocional, desde esse momento suscita um profundo interesse em vários pesquisadores por todo o mundo. Goleman (1996) chama a atenção ao mundo para um tema já aprofundado por vários autores, vincando a concepção distinta da Inteligência tradicional. Dando a conhecer o sucesso que o papel da Inteligência Emocional e Emoções poderiam ter no desenvolvimento profissional, psicológico e social de cada individuo. A Inteligência Emocional permite ao ser humano tomar consciência das suas emoções, compreender os sentimentos, tanto como as dos seus demais. É a uma aptidão que possuímos, de forma a relacionar com os outros e comunicar de forma assertiva, que vai permitir projectar uma atitude optimista perante a vida. A inteligência Emocional é uma arte que pressupõe uma aprendizagem simples e consciente de valor incalculável

    Níveis de energia na dieta de bovinos em confinamento. II. Cortes do traseiro especial.

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    Este estudo teve o objetivo de avaliar o rendimento dos cortes do traseiro especial de bovinos cruzados 1/2 Canchim + 1/2 Nelore (CN) e 1/2 Gelbvieh + 1/2 Nelore (GN), alimentados em confinamento, recebendo ração com 12,9% de proteina bruta e quatro diferentes níveis de energia: 62,65,68, e 71% de nutrientes digestiveis totais, contendo 55,5% de silagem de milho, na base seca

    A Brazilian glycoprotein E-negative bovine herpesvirus type 1.2a (BHV-1.2a) mutant is attenuated for cattle and induces protection against wild-type virus challenge

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    The authors previously reported the construction of a glycoprotein E-deleted (gE-) mutant of bovine herpesvirus type 1.2a (BHV-1.2a). This mutant, 265gE-, was designed as a vaccinal strain for differential vaccines, allowing the distinction between vaccinated and naturally infected cattle. In order to determine the safety and efficacy of this candidate vaccine virus, a group of calves was inoculated with 265gE-. The virus was detected in secretions of inoculated calves to lower titres and for a shorter period than the parental virus inoculated in control calves. Twenty one days after inoculation, the calves were challenged with the wild type parental virus. Only mild signs of infection were detected on vaccinated calves, whereas non-vaccinated controls displayed intense rhinotracheitis and shed virus for longer and to higher titres than vaccinated calves. Six months after vaccination, both vaccinated and control groups were subjected to reactivation of potentially latent virus. The mutant 265gE- could not be reactivated from vaccinated calves. The clinical signs observed, following the reactivation of the parental virus, were again much milder on vaccinated than on non-vaccinated calves. Moreover, parental virus shedding was considerably reduced on vaccinated calves at reactivation. In view of its attenuation, immunogenicity and protective effect upon challenge and reactivation with a virulent BHV-1, the mutant 265gE- was shown to be suitable for use as a BHV-1 differential vaccine viru

    Osteopathy and Mental Health: An Embodied, Predictive, and Interoceptive Framework.

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    Globally, mental and musculoskeletal disorders present with high prevalence, disease burden, and comorbidity. In order to improve the quality of care for patients with persistent physical and comorbid mental health conditions, person-centered care approaches addressing psychosocial factors are currently advocated. Central to successful person-centered care is a multidisciplinary collaboration between mental health and musculoskeletal specialists underpinned by a robust therapeutic alliance. Such a collaborative approach might be found in osteopathy, which is typically utilized to treat patients with musculoskeletal disorders but may arguably also benefit mental health outcomes. However, research and practice exploring the reputed effect of osteopathy on patients with mental health problems lack a robust framework. In this hypothesis and theory article, we build upon research from embodied cognition, predictive coding, interoception, and osteopathy to propose an embodied, predictive and interoceptive framework that underpins osteopathic person-centered care for individuals with persistent physical and comorbid mental health problems. Based on the premise that, for example, chronic pain and comorbid depression are underlined by overly precise predictions or imprecise sensory information, we hypothesize that osteopathic treatment may generate strong interoceptive prediction errors that update the generative model underpinning the experience of pain and depression. Thus, physical and mental symptoms may be reduced through active and perceptual inference. We discuss how these theoretical perspectives can inform future research into osteopathy and mental health to reduce the burden of comorbid psychological factors in patients with persistent physical symptoms and support person-centered multidisciplinary care in mental health

    Óleo de soja e gordura animal na alimentação de eqüinos.

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    O objetivo deste trabalho foi estudar os efeitos da gordura animal e do óleo de soja como fontes de energia em potras da raça Árabe e Cruza/Árabe. Forarm utilizados 21 animais, com peso médio inicial de 228 kg e 13 meses de idade media, distribuidos em três tratamentos

    Intensificação da bovinocultura de corte: estratégias de manejo reprodutivo e sanitário.

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    Manejo reprodutivo em gado de corte; Sincronizacao do estro em bovinos; Manejo sanitario em sistemas intensivos de producao de carne; Novos metodos de avaliacao da capacidade reprodutiva de touros.bitstream/CPPSE/12479/1/PROCIDoc26RTB636.0824LV.pd